1) jquery-select2-3.5.2.js - added option-related tooltip support: selected option's title attribute (if available) or value (text) is assigned to input's title attribute on selection event. - restored clickability within selected entries. - enabled re-triggering of killed events (e.g. mouseup and mousedown) but with ".sortable" suffix (to restore "sortable" widget functionality within select2 results). - added hierarchy mode support (when 'js-tree-select' class assigned), provided proper highlighting and selection for sub and super-items. - made document.body as Element prototype to prevent wkhtmltopdf errors 2) ace/worker-html.js - removed error emit for 'almost-standards-doctype'. [EMMGUI-600] - fixed false negative validation result (unexpected case sensitivity) [EMMGUI-600] 3) bootstrap-tooltip-3.4.1.js - changed an order of statements to make sure that placement function is able to get an actual balloon's dimensions 4) query-builder.js - added localization for builder. 5) c3.js - added fix in method c3_chart_internal_fn.getYDomain(...). c3 sets wrong padding in rotated charts. - fixed tick culling algorithm to prevent titles cutting and provide more uniform titles distribution. 6) toastr.custom.js - deeply customized before initial commit - replaced 'notification-top-right' with 'notification-below-header' container style in order to provide custom positioning 7) bootstrap-modal-3.4.1.js - added a click event handler to a backdrop so a click outside a
also hides a dialog. 8) ace.js - introduced custom implementation of trim method which does not rely on regular expressions. [GWUA-3583] 9) query-builder.js - update QB version from 2.3.2 to 2.5.2 - added localization according to changes made in previous version 10) query-builder.default.min.scss - updated QB styles version from 2.3.2 to 2.5.2 11) dropzone.js - removed statement that applies extra CSS styles to - exposed Dropzone as window.Dropzone 12) jquery-ui-1.12.1.js - fixed "items are not correctly calculated using css transformations on container element" (https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/15263); - added support of function value for "cursorAt" option of droppable widget; 13) jquery-dirty-0.8.3.js - added statuses property to Dirty.prototype - added support of adding custom methods - added support of extending dirty lib 14) bootstrap-dropdown-3.4.1.js - e.preventDropdownClose check in clearMenus to be able to keep the dropdown open 15) bootstrap-popover-3.4.1.js - changed jQuery fn tooltip namespace to bsTooltip 16) ace.js - changed adding 'style' element from head of 'head' element to end [GWUA-5036]