******* ADD-ONS' IMPLEMENTATION ******* Changelist of ckeditor's files. Modified add-ons should be pasted as the are after migration: 1) /plugins/image/dialogs/image.js Changed to use img-tag attributes instead of style properties when changing image settings in image-dialog (GWUA-2211) 2) /plugins/htmlwriter/plugin.js Changed to keep ampersands within attributes (doesn't break href/src attributes anymore) Changed agn-tags processing in attributes to prevent quotes escaping 3) /plugins/pastefromword/filter/default.js Changes to trim unnecessary attributes for the `font` and remove the tag `font` if it is empty. 4) /plugins/image/plugin.js Changes that prevent the plugin from turning img-element attributes into styles. 5) /plugins/table/plugin.js Removed transformation of width attribute to width style. GWUA-4097 6) /plugins/showprotected/plugin.js and /plugins/showprotected/dialogs/protected.js Implemented actual text inlining instead of icon. 7) /plugins/showprotected/plugin.js Changed to prevent making widget of head('meta' and 'script') and comment elements. 8) /ckeditor-emm-helper.jsp Implemented replace defaultHtmlFilterRulesForAll to prevent remove class attribute from tag if fullPage is true. GWUA-4607 Introduced allowExternalScript parameter that allows external script tags ******* CUSTOM IMPLEMENTATION ******* EMM implementations which should also be saved after migration of ckeditor: 1) /plugins/emm/* 2) ckeditor-emm-helper.jsp 3) emm-image-browser.jsp 4) emm_config.js 5) emm_fonts.css ******* FAQ ******* In case of migration : 1) use ckeditor builder (https://ckeditor.com/cke4/builder) and upload there current version of build-config.js. 2) put modified add-ons in /plugins dir 3) put emm implementations in corresponding folders In Case you need to modify source code of some add-on: 1) exclude you add-on from build-config.js; 2) rebuild ckeditor using build-config.js (it exclude uglified version of your add-on from ckeditor.js) 3) find and download source code of your add-on; 4) modify it; 5) include you modified add-on as external using `config.extraPlugins` property in emm_config.js file