Below are described the configuration variables and arrays associated with the overlib commands, and their defaults as set in the overlibmws.js core module and the overlibmws_bubble.js, overlibmws_crossframe.js, overlibmws_debug.js, overlibmws_draggable.js, overlibmws_exclusive.js, overlib_filter.js, overlibmws_function.js, overlibmws_hide.js, overlibmws_modal.js, overlibmws_overtwo.js, overlibmws_print.js, overlibmws_scroll.js and overlibmws_shadow.js plugin modules. The overlibmws_iframe.js and overlib_regCore.js plugin modules do not have configuration variables or arrays. You can change any of the configuration default values for all pages by making the modifications in overlibmws.js or the plugin modules, or for individual HTML pages by declaring any of these variables with the values you prefer in a SCRIPT block or imported js file for those pages. You instead can change the configuration default values for individual HTML pages by calling the OLpageDefaults(arguments) function in a SCRIPT block or imported js file with "arguments" consisting of a comma-separated list of uppercase command names and their parameters if any, homologously to the arguments for an overlib() call. The overlibmws_overtwo.js module is used by calling overlib2() and nd2() from within an overlib() call that invokes a primary popup, to invoke and close secondary popups. Its LABLE2 command and its configuration variable are specific to the secondary popups, and are complementary to the core module's LABLEL command and its configuration variable for primary popups. The overlibmws_iframe.js module has no additional commands, and thus no configuration variables. It should be imported when a page has system controls (e.g., some form elements, flash objects, applets) which obscure overlib popups. It corrects this problem for IE v5.5 or higher. For versions of IE lower than v5.5 and for other browsers, you can use commands in the overlibmws_hide.js plugin module. See the examples in and on how to use those command to hide the system controls when overlib popups are invoked. The overlibmws_regCore.js module has no overlib() or overlib2() commands, and thus no configuration variables. It should be imported in frames which will not themselves import the core module and any plugin modules, but instead will use those in another frame. See its header for more information. Examples of its use are in See the overlibmws Command Reference ( for more information about the commands, configuration variables, and plugin modules. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR CORE MODULE overlibmws.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FGCOLOR - Main background color (the large area). // Usually a bright color (white, yellow etc). var ol_fgcolor = "#CCCCFF"; // BGCOLOR - Border color. // Usually a dark color (black, brown etc). var ol_bgcolor = "#333399"; // CGCOLOR - Caption background color (typically same as border color). // Usually a dark color (black, brown etc). var ol_cgcolor = "#333399"; // TEXTCOLOR - Text color. // Usually a dark color. var ol_textcolor = "#000000"; // CAPCOLOR - Color of the caption text. // Usually a bright color var ol_capcolor = "#FFFFFF"; // CLOSECOLOR - Color of "Close" when using Sticky. // Usually a semi-bright color. var ol_closecolor = "#9999FF"; // TEXTFONT - Font face for the main text. var ol_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; // CAPTIONFONT - Font face for the caption. var ol_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; // CLOSEFONT - Font face for the close text. var ol_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; // TEXTSIZE - Font size for the main text. var ol_textsize = "1"; // CAPTIONSIZE - Font size for the caption. var ol_captionsize = "1"; // CLOSESIZE - Font size for the close text. var ol_closesize = "1"; // FGCLASS - Main background class. var ol_fgclass = ""; // BGCLASS - Frame background class. var ol_bgclass = ""; // CGCLASS - Caption background class. var ol_cgclass = ""; // TEXTPADDING - Padding for main text. var ol_textpadding = "2"; // TEXTFONTCLASS - Main font class. var ol_textfontclass = ""; // CAPTIONPADDING - Padding for caption (including Close text if present). var ol_captionpadding = "2"; // CAPTIONFONTCLASS - Caption font class. var ol_captionfontclass = ""; // CLOSEFONTCLASS - Close font class. var ol_closefontclass = ""; // CLOSECLICK - If the user has to click to close stickies. var ol_closeclick = 0; // CLOSETEXT - Text for the closing sticky popups. Normal is "Close". var ol_close = "Close"; // CLOSETITLE - Text to use as value of TITLE attribute for browser-generated TooTips // with the "Close" link in captions of stickies when CLOSECLICK is changed to 1; var ol_closetitle = "Click to Close"; // Default text for popups // Should you forget to pass something to overLIB this will be displayed. var ol_text = "Default Text"; // Default caption // You should leave this blank or you will have problems making non caps popups. var ol_cap = ""; // CAPBELOW - Whether the caption should appear below the main text area. Default is // off (0) such that the caption appears above. var ol_capbelow=0; // BACKGROUND - Default background image. Better left empty unless you always want one. var ol_background = ""; // WIDTH - Default width of the popups in pixels. 100-300 pixels is typical. // This value is simply a suggestion to the browser, which may change the // actual width depending on the content. var ol_width = "200"; // WRAP - Intended to keep the popup no wider than its content plus normal padding, but // to wrap the content if it would exceed the window width, or if it would exceed WRAPMAX // when that has been set to a value greater than zero. // Overrides the o3_width setting. Default is no wrap (0). var ol_wrap = 0; // WRAPMAX - If set to a value greater than 0, sets the maximum width of the popup, up to // the window width, before wrapping occurs when the WRAP command is set. var ol_wrapmax = 0; // HEIGHT - Default height for popup. Often best left alone. var ol_height = -1; // BORDER - How thick the ol_border should be in pixels. // 1-3 pixels is typical. var ol_border = "1"; // BASE - Any additional thickening of the border's base in pixels. var ol_base = "0"; // OFFSETX - How many pixels to the right (positive values) or left (negative values) // of the cursor to show the popup. Values between 3 and 12 are best. var ol_offsetx = 10; // OFFSETY - How many pixels below (positive values) or above (negative values) the // cursor to show the popup. Values between 3 and 20 are best. var ol_offsety = 10; // STICKY - Decides if sticky popups are default. 0 for non, 1 for stickies. var ol_sticky = 0; // NOFOLLOW - Should non-sticky popups not follow cursor movements (i.e., remain // stationary where initially positioned on invocation, like title-based tooltips). var ol_nofollow = 0; // NOCLOSE - Omit Close text in stickies with captions, for all stickies use mouse off // after mouse over sticky to close, and cancel any timeout while over sticky. var ol_noclose = 0; // MOUSEOFF - For stickies which do have a caption with a CLOSETEXT, also use mouse off // after mouse over sticky to close, and cancel any timeout while over sticky. var ol_mouseoff = 0; // OFFDELAY - Default delay for closing NOCLOSE or MOUSEOFF popups. If a mouse over the // sticky occurs during this delay, the close is cancelled. var ol_delay = 300; // RIGHT - Default vertical alignment for popups. // It's best to leave RIGHT here. Other options are LEFT and CENTER. var ol_hpos = RIGHT; // BELOW - Default vertical position of the popups. // It's best to leave BELOW here. Other options are ABOVE and VCENTER. var ol_vpos = BELOW; // Default status bar text when a popup is invoked. var ol_status = ""; // AUTOSTATUS, AUTOSTATUSCAP - If the status bar automatically should load either // text or caption. 0=nothing, 1=text, 2=caption var ol_autostatus = 0; // SNAPX - Horizontal grid spacing that popups will snap to. // 0 makes no grid, anything else will cause a snap to that grid spacing. var ol_snapx = 0; // SNAPY - Vertical grid spacing that popups will snap to. // 0 makes no grid, anything else will cause a snap to that grid spacing. var ol_snapy = 0; // FIXX - Sets the popup horizontal position to a fixed column. // Numbers greater than -1 will cause fixed position. var ol_fixx = -1; // FIXY - Sets the popup vertical position to a fixed row. // Numbers greater than -1 will cause fixed position. var ol_fixy = -1; // RELX - Sets the popup horizontal position to a column relative to the window display. // Anything numeric (non-null) will cause relative position. Positive and 0 is to // the right from left window margin for left margin of popup. Negative is to the // left from right window margin for right margin of popup. var ol_relx = null; // RELY - Sets the popup vertical position to a row relative to the window display. // Anything numeric (non-null) will cause relative position. Positive and 0 is down // from top window margin for top margin of popup. Negaive is up from bottom window // margin for bottom margin of popup. var ol_rely = null; // MIDX - Sets the popup horizontal midpoint to a column relative to the window horizontal // midpoint. Anything numeric (non-null) will cause midpoint position. Positive and // 0 is to the right from the window midpoint. Negative is to the left. var ol_midx = null; // MIDY - Sets the popup vertical midpoint to a row relative to the window vertical midpoint. // Anything numeric (non-null) will cause midpoint position. Positive and 0 is down from // the window midpoint. Negative is up. var ol_midy = null; // REF - The NAME of an anchor or image, or ID of a layer, to serve as a reference object such // that a corner of the popup will be positioned relative to a corner of the object. var ol_ref = ""; // REFC - Corner of the reference object for positioning. // Value can be: 'UL' (Upper Left), 'UR', 'LR', or 'LL'. var ol_refc = 'UL'; // REFP - Corner of the popup for positioning. // Value can be: 'UL' (Upper Left), 'UR', 'LR', or 'LL'. var ol_refp = 'UL'; // REFX - X displacement from the reference point. Positive to the right, // negative left. var ol_refx = 0; // REFY - Y displacement from the reference point. Positive down, negative up. var ol_refy = 0; // FGBACKGROUND - Background image for the popup's inside. var ol_fgbackground = ""; // BGBACKGROUND - Background image for the popup's frame (border). var ol_bgbackground = ""; // CGBACKGROUND - Background image for the caption. var ol_cgbackground = ""; // PADX // How much horizontal left padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. var ol_padxl = 1; // How much horizontal right padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. var ol_padxr = 1; // PADY // How much vertical top padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. var ol_padyt = 1; // How much vertical bottom padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used. var ol_padyb = 1; // FULLHTML - If the user by default must supply all html for complete control of popup content. // Set to 1 to activate, 0 otherwise. var ol_fullhtml = 0; // CAPICON - Default icon to place next to the popups caption. var ol_capicon = ""; // FRAME - Default frame. We default to current frame if there is no frame defined. var ol_frame = self; // TIMEOUT - Default timeout. By default there is no timeout. var ol_timeout = 0; // DELAY - Default delay for onset of popup. By default there is no delay. var ol_delay = 0; // HAUTO - If overLIB should decide the horizontal placement. var ol_hauto = 0; // VAUTO - If overLIB should decide the vertical placement. var ol_vauto = 0; // NOJUSTX - If overLIB should let popups overrun the left or right window margins. var ol_nojustx = 0; // NOJUSTY - If overLIB should let popups overrun the top or bottom window margins. var ol_nojusty = 0; // LABEL - A labeling string for the primary popup while it is displayed (visible). var ol_label = ""; // DECODE - If overLIB should automatically decode any URL-encoded characters in // lead argument and/or caption. var ol_decode = ""; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ARRAY CONFIGURATION FOR CORE MODULE overlibmws.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INARRAY - Array with texts. var ol_texts = new Array( "Text 0", "Text 1"); // CAPARRAY - Array with captions. var ol_caps = new Array( "Caption 0", "Caption 1"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_bubble.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BUBBLE - Whether to use a bubble type popup. Default is no (0). var ol_bubble = 0; // BUBBLETYPE - Type of bubble image to use. Default is 'flower'. Other options are // 'oval', 'square', 'pushpin', 'quotation', or 'roundedcorners'. Specify directory // for images via the last parameter of registerImages() near the top of the plugin // module (default value is './'). var ol_bubbletype = 'flower'; // ADJBUBBLE - Whether to resize the image in relation to the content. // Default is no (0). var ol_adjbubble = 0; // RCBUBBLECOLOR - Color for the textual content of speech bubble popups which have // 'roundcorners' as their BUBBLETYPE parameter. Default value is '#ffffcc'. var ol_rcbubblecolor = '#ffffcc'; // BUBBLECLOSE - Whether to block the normally automatic setting of NOCLOSE for // bubble popups that are sticky. // Default is no (0). var ol_bubbleclose = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_bubble.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_crossframe.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You must import this plugin module to use the FRAME command, but its configuration variable, ol_frame, is set in the core module. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_crossframe.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_debug.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ALLOWDEBUG - The ID or a comma-separated list of IDs for debug layers which, if // invoked following an overlib call and then made hidden via the close link at // upper right, should be made visible again whenever that overlib call occurs. var ol_allowdebug = ""; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_debug.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_draggable.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DRAGGABLE - If sticky should be draggable. var ol_draggable = 0; // DRAGCAP - Restrict dragging handle to the caption. var ol_dragcap = 0; // DRAGID - The id of a container div with a CSS class that uses overflow:auto // for a DRAGGABLE popup that doesn't have iframe content and doesn't use DRAGCAP. var ol_dragid = ''; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_draggable.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_exclusive.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EXCLUSIVE - Decides if a sticky primary popup should be exclusive, such that no other // primry popup can be invoked and replace it before the sticky is closed by the user or // a timeout (secondary popups can still be invoked from within the exclusive primary). var ol_exclusive = 0; // EXCLUSIVESTATUS - Status line string to use for exclusive stickies var ol_exclusivestatus = 'Please act on or close the open popup.'; // EXCLUSIVEOVERRIDE = If a displayed exclusive sticky should be overridden by the // current overlib call for a popup. var ol_exclusiveoverride=0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_exclusive.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_filter.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTER - Toggles on the filter feature set for IE v5.5+ browsers. Defualt is off. var ol_filter=0; // FADEIN - Filter type for stylinzed fadein. Value can be 0 - 50 for the 51 types, // or 51 (default) for random selections of the type across successive occurrences // of the popup. var ol_fadein=51; // FADETIME - Duration of fadein (millisec). var ol_fadetime=800; // FILTEROPACITY - Opacity of entire popup. The higher the number in the range of 1-99, // the more more opaque (less transparent) the popup will be. But 0 is handled as // equivalent to 100 (no transparency). This feature also is implemented for Mozilla // and Netscape v6+ browsers. var ol_filteropacity=100; // FILTERSHADOW - Type of filter-based shadow. Default is off (0). // Dropshadow is 1. Shadow (tapers from corners) is 2. var ol_filtershadow=0; // FILTERSHADOWCOLOR - Color of filter-based shadow. var ol_filtershadowcolor="#cccccc"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_filter.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_function.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTION - Default javascript function. By default there is none. var ol_function = null; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_function.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_hide.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HIDESELECTBOXES - Whether to hide any select boxes which overlap the popup // while the popup is being displayed. var ol_hideselectboxes=0; // HIDEBYID - An id or comma-separated list of id's to be hidden while the popup // is displayed. Is intended for form elements and is ignored for any browsers // using HIDESELECTBOXES and for Opera v7+. var ol_hidebyid=''; // HIDEBYIDALL - An id or comma=separated list of id's to be hidden while the popup // is displayed. Is intended for non-form elements with system controls, e.g., // flash objects and applets. var ol_hidebyidall=''; // HIDEBYIDNS4 - An id or comma-separated list of id's for positioned div's to be // hidden while the popup is being displayed by Netscape v4.x browsers. var ol_hidebyidns4=''; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_hide.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_modal.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MODAL - Whether to make the popup modal (block access to any other items in the // document via a shield until the popup is acted upon and closed). var ol_modal = 0; // MODALCOLOR - The color of the modal shield. var ol_modalcolor = '#bbbbbb'; // MODALOPACITY - The opacity of the modal shield. var ol_modalopacity = 40; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_overtwo.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_overtwo.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LABEL - A labeling string for the secondary popup while it is displayed (visible). var ol_label = ""; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_overtwo.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_print.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRINT - Whether sticky should include a Print link or button. var ol_print = 0; // PRINTBUTTON - Whether to use button in main text area even if caption area is present. var ol_printbutton=0; // NOAUTOPRINT - Whether to block automatic printing and deletion of temporary printing window. var ol_noautoprint=0; // PRINTCOLOR - Color of "Print" link in caption area of sticky. var ol_printcolor="#eeeeff"; // PRINTFONT - Font face for the print text. var ol_printfont="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"; // PRINTSIZE - Font size for the print text. var ol_printsize=1; // PRINTTEXT - Text for the sticky popup print link. Normal is "Print". var ol_printtext='Print'; // PRINTBUTTONTEXT - Text for the sticky popup print button. Normal is "Print". var ol_printbuttontext='Print'; // PRINTTITLE - Text to use as value of TITLE attribute for browser-generated TooTips // with the "Print" link in captions of stickies or "Print" button in main text area. var ol_printtitle="Click to Print"; // PRINTFONTCLASS - Print font class. var ol_printfontclass=""; // PRINTCSSFILE - URL for .ccs file with CSS rules for styling the popup. var ol_printcssfile=""; // PRINTXML - String for (optional) xml tag for temporary printing window. var ol_printxml=""; // PRINTDOCTYPE - String for DOCTYPE declaration for temporary printing window. var ol_printdoctype= '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ' +'"">'; // PRINTROOT - String for root tag for temporary printing window. var ol_printroot="<html>"; // PRINTTYPE - String for MIME type for temporary printing window. var ol_printtype="text/html"; // PRINTCHARSET - String for charset for temporary printing window. var ol_printcharset="iso-8859-1"; // PRINTURL - URL for a document to be printed via the temporary printing window. var ol_printurl=""; // PRINTJOB - string for an external function to be used for the temporary printing window. var ol_printjob=""; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_print.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_scroll.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SCROLL - Whether sticky should scroll with the document when positioned via // RELX or MIDX, and RELY or MIDY. var ol_scroll = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_scroll.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FOR PLUGIN MODULE overlibmws_shadow.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHADOW - Whether to add a dropshadow. Default is no (0). var ol_shadow = 0; // SHADOWX - Horizontal dropshadow displacement in pixels. // Positive is to the right and negative is to the left. var ol_shadowx = 5; // SHADOWY - Vertical dropshadow displacement in pixels. // Positive is downward and negative is upward. var ol_shadowy = 5; // SHADOWCOLOR - Dropshadow color. var ol_shadowcolor = "#666666"; // SHADOWIMAGE - Dropshadow background image. Default is none. var ol_shadowimage = ""; // SHADOWOPACITY - Dropshadow opacity (100 is solid; 0 turns off this feature and // thus also yields a solid shadow). Default is 60. var ol_shadowopacity = 60; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END CONFIGURATION FOR overlibmws_shadow.js ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////